
Friday, March 21, 2008

ADHD or Diversity

I'm pretty sure I have crafter's ADHD. I started digging into the piles of stuff today, trying to bring it to some semblance of order. Things were moving along well while I refolded and stacked fabrics. After that- not so well. Trying to sort things into logical categories is proving to be a challenge. I must have tools and equipment and materials for a hundred different crafts.

There is the fabric of course: regular and fleece and flannel and quilted and some fancy ones. Then there is the yarn: the regular and the cottons and the fancy ones and the little spools of fancy fibers for my jewelry that I could also crochet or knit if I were inclined. The glass, flat for mosaic and wire wrapping, rods for lampworking, marbles for magnets. The polymer clay, the modeling clay, the paper clay. The acrylics and oils and watercolors. The Crayolas and pastels and colored pencils and watercolor pencils and markers. The paper and embellishments, plus all the stuff to make more paper. All the stuff I bought thinking I would make kaleidoscopes. The nuts and bolts and washers and o-rings for jewelry.

And I don't even want to think yet about the beads...


Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

Crafters ADHD..yes, I recognize it..I too have suffered from this for quite some time..It is a good disease to suffer from though..
enjoy..and don't take the medicine!

High Desert Diva said...

Hmmmm....this sounds....familiar

Rosebud Collection said...

I am with you all the way, but you have to admit, isn't it fun? Sometimes, I just look at the stuff and it makes me happy..

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad I'm not alone! Is there a cure?