
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Yay me!

I'm starting a new job Monday, whoohoo. After taking a year off from a real job and then working part-time for the past 5 months, it's back to the real world. I wasn't really looking for anything but this position just kind of came out of nowhere. It sounded like something intriguing although I didn't think my interest in it would be taken seriously. Surprise, surprise.
I still don't think I'll catch many sunrises but I will miss sitting with my coffee, Etsy, blogging, etc. all morning, and leisurely lunching with Mom or my RCA gals but a real paycheck is going to be a good thing! So, when (not if) you see me hanging around the forums at 1:00a.m. tell me to go to bed.


Anam Cara Candles said...

congrats! hehe I know the feeling I can be seen at 4am sometimes...with kids my only "quiet time"!

marin said...

congrats on the new job!! Just think, it will make your leisure etsy time SO much more special :)

ppdesigns said...

congrats and good luck with your new job!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new job! That is so exciting! The paycheck will make it all worth while, and you still have the weekends (hopefully) to blog all you want!

littlebird said...

Good luck with your new job : ) I know what you mean about still being in the etsy forums at all hours!

Patti said...

Congratulations and have fun! See you at 1:00am (not)!

Anonymous said...

congrats on your new job!!

Mannybeads said...

Congratulations. So nice to feel excited about this change. Enjoy!

Rosebud Collection said...

Congratulations on your new job..
Best of luck to you.

Grizzly Mountain Arts said...

Congratulations on your new job! How exciting! Thanks for the kind remark in the forum--I added your blog to ours :)